What Makes Transitions so Difficult?

Why is it so hard to go from one thing to another, to be in the murky middle? Why must we grieve as we transition? Join me as I tackle these and other questions with Oleg Lougheed of the Overcoming Odds Podcast.

Rebekka Helford

Rebekka Helford is a licensed marriage and family therapist in private practice in Los Angeles, California. With over a decade of experience working with parents and young children, Rebekka specializes in short-term intensive parenting consultation, using a variety of tools including home, office, and school visits to help families navigate developmental hiccups and get back on track. Virtual visits now available!

Click here to schedule an appointment or contact Rebekka with a question – who knows, she might even answer it in her next post!


Parent Q&A: Toddler Trust Fall


Parent Q&A: Toddler Table Manners